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Showing posts from September, 2024

The Fundamentals of Working Capital Management

Ever wondered what keeps a business running smoothly day in and day out? It's not just about profits or sales—it's also about managing what's called "working capital." Think of working capital as the fuel that powers your business engine. Without the right amount, you risk stalling. At KICK Advisory Services , we believe mastering working capital management is key to financial health. So, what exactly is working capital, and why does it matter so much? Let's dive in to find out. What is Working Capital? Working capital is like the cash in your wallet—it’s what you have left after paying all the bills. More formally, it’s the difference between a company's current assets (like cash, inventory, and receivables) and current liabilities (like loans and payables). This financial metric helps a business meet its short-term obligations and continue day-to-day operations. Why is Working Capital Important? Imagine trying to run a marathon without en